When we say ‘family’ at Trentham Anglicans, we are using it on three different levels ...
Firstly, there is family in the many and varied ways in which it occurs in today’s society – not just Mum, Dad and the kids, but blended families, one-parent families, one or two grandparents parenting … .
We also hold strongly, however, to the concept of family in the words that we are all asked to say to anybody who has just been baptised - Child of God, blessed in the Spirit, welcome to the family of Christ.

Parish Family
We seek to live as a Parish that not only supports families but is family – the family of Christ for those of us in the Anglican faith community in Trentham and the surrounding suburbs.
Over and above our worshipping life together, which includes hospitality for parishioners and visitors, we seek to build parish family through special events, such as:
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party
Friday night Fun, Fish and Fries.
We’d love you to join us at any of these – see the Events page for what is coming up.
Other regular opportunities to gather as part of the parish family, available for those not at work during the day, are the Men’s Lunch and the Ladies' Lunch.
We also seek to support those within our parish family who are going through difficult times. Please contact one of the wardens if there is a need in the parish family that you think may be being overlooked.

Diocesan Family
Lastly, as Anglicans, we are part of the wider Anglican Diocese of Wellington. The diocese is made up of parishes and other mission units in the lower part of the North Island, and is led by Bishop Justin Duckworth, and his Assistant Bishop Ana Fletcher. We are aware that we are part of the wider diocesan family, and periodically parishioners are encouraged to attend diocesan events, such as Team Training Days, which give a wide range of opportunities for learning about new ways of ministry and mission.
To learn more about the Diocese, go to Anglican Movement.
To get weekly news from the Diocese and to find out how to have it emailed to you each Thursday, go to