Phone 528 5588

Parish Events ...




26 October 2024 to March 2025

12pm to 3pm

EasyBuild is being considered for the provision of a 'ready built' vicarage for the Church. There is an EasyBuild house on Fergusson Drive (near the intersection of Totara Park Rd and Fergusson Drive) which is open for inspection on Saturdays from 12 - 3pm  if you are interested. It would be great if parishioners could have a look at is before the next parish meeting.

6 April 2025


Parish AGM in the Church for 2024. Will also include an SGM for the new vicarage.

Please click 'here' to access archived recorded services.

Diocese Calendar ...

See the Anglican Diocese of Wellington web page for the diocese calendar and details of upcoming events.

The Diocesan Evening Prayer has recommenced. Join others throughout the Diocese for evening prayer Monday - Saturday at 9:00 pm. It is held via zoom with Meeting ID: 211-936-7784 and Password: prayers or click on the above link. Alternatively join by phone: 04 886 0026 and enter the number 211 936 7784 followed by the # key - when asked to enter a participant ID. We use the evening devotions and night prayer liturgy from the Anglican Prayer Book which can be found here.




Fri 21 March to Mon 23 March

starts 5pm 21 Mar
end 1:30pm 23 Mar

Ministry Leaders’ Family Camp is our annual gathering for all key leaders of ministries within our movement, and their families. It is held on Friday 21 March, 5:00pm - Sunday 23 March 2025 1:30pm and El Rancho.

Please bring your family and enjoy a wonderful weekend of engaging workshops and fun with our movement friends. 

Camp is always a time of refreshing, teaching and reconnecting with friends and colleagues from around the diocese.

Head to for registration info.

14 April


Chrism service St Peter's on Willis Street

15 April


Chrism service St Mark's Anglican Church, Carterton

16 April


Chrism service - St Peter's, Gonville

Christian World Service is the official development organisation for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, as well as for a number of other Christian churches. Click here for details.

Refugee Resettlement

The Diocese is calling for volunteers for refugee resettlement in Wellington. There is a need for quality small appliances, towels, and bedding (duvets, sheets, blankets, protectors). In addition, donations are much appreciated, and can be deposited into the Diocese account with a reference, or through our website: 

Anyone wanting to be involved on an ongoing basis can volunteer through their parish. Volunteers gather donations or fundraise to pull together a collection of household items, which can either be new or second hand. Another parish, then sets up these items in the house that they family will be moving to. Anyone interested in donating items or volunteering through their parish can speak to Refugee Support Coordinator Phil McCarthy on 021481204 .

Another option for people wanting to be involved with the settlement process is to volunteer directly with the Red Cross. With full training is provided. Contact Aileen Davison if you would like to volunteer with the Red Cross.

Climate Change Response

Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill After public consultation, this bill replaces the original Zero Carbon Act. The Bishops are asking Anglicans to make submissions to the Select Committee considering the bill.  See the pamphlet available in the Church foyer for more information relating to make a submission.

An explanatory video can be found here.

And a sermon from Bishop Ellie here.

see the newsletter for details of this weeks readings