Upper Hutt Housing Trust helps people find appropriate, affordable accommodation. Most residents are helped with 'emergency accommodation' to support them through stressful times and until they are ready to move into independent housing.
The Trust takes on long-term leases of houses from supportive landlords and then guarantees the rental while placing individuals in their rented properties, providing a level of pastoral and supportive oversight as well as coordinating professional support services.
UHHT actively advocates to local business and government leaders for the construction of more appropriate and affordable accommodation in Upper Hutt.
For all inquiries of assistance, donations, or Quiz Night tickets, please contact:
- help@uhht.org.nz
- Teresa Homan, Trust Chairperson,
email: tshoman@kinect.co.nz - Judy Dixon, Trust Secretary,
Ph: 04 970 7169,
Mobile 022 043 4703
email: jjdixons45@gmail.com
UHHT works with its residents to help them sort out various problems -- such as budgeting, job search, addictions and life skills.
UHHT has a contract with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to provide emergency accommodation (particularly for people who might otherwise need to be put in a motel) for three months at a time.
Under the contract tenants are expected to move to longer term accommodation after three months, and UHHT inspects and maintains properties before re-tenanting them. This makes houses that are leased to UHHT some of the best-maintained dwellings in Upper Hutt's rental stock.
Not all the properties in UHHT's portfolio are covered by a contract with MSD, so some tenants are accommodated for more than three months.
The main thing that UHHT achieves at this stage is making more places available for immediate rental because there are shorter gaps (for refurbishment) before properties are matched with new residents.
When people graduate from UHHT accommodation and move to long-term housing, UHHT likes to be sure they are equipped with essential furniture and whiteware.
At present UHHT operates a 9-room boarding house and a range of flats/houses. Around 24 people will be sleeping under UHHT roofs tonight.

Please contact Michael Hurle, our parish representative, if you would like to offer any support from prayer, to a monthly financial donation to contribution of furniture or appliances, or if you have a property you would like us to consider for leasing.