Phone 528 5588

Welcome to St John's Anglican Church in Trentham


We are a church that prays.
God knows we need it! Join us for prayer every weekday morning, 7am in the chapel. We'd love to have you join us.  We follow the rhythm of Daily Devotions that start on Monday Morning, page 109 of the New Zealand Prayer Book.

Prayer for Our Children:

Lord, grow us as disciples of Jesus and help us
make disciples of others.
We pray for Your church to grow - especially for our children.
Bring them back into relationship with You.
In Jesus name we pray.

There will be a Special General Meeting at 10am on 15 December to approve the building of a Church vicarage.

Christmas Services:
A Nine Carols service will be held Sunday 15 December at 3pm

A Christmas Eve Eucharist service will be held 24 December at about 10.30pm (tbc), with carols followed by Eucharist just before midnight 

A Christmas Day service is proposed for 25 December 10am

Recordings of previous St John's services can be found here. Special services or events can be found here.

See the Prayer tab for details on the children's Godly Play initiative.

Parish Email:
The parish email is now

Scratch Life Group:
See details of the proposed Scratch Life Group weekly meetings in the Prayer page.

Sunday Services

09:00am Traditional
Holy Communion in the Church

10:30am Contemporary
Communion in the Church Hall
with children's ministry.


7am Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday
in the Chapel

10:00am Wednesday
Liturgy of the Word
with Holy Communion

in the Church


Fergusson Rest Home
3rd Thursday - 11am in Chapel

Summerset Community Centre
4th Wednesday - 11am


The Church,
563 Fergusson Drive,
Cnr. Fergusson Dr & Moonshine Rd.
Trentham, Upper Hutt

Church Hall,
561 Fergusson Drive,
End of Smallfield Lane,
First left off Moonshine Rd
Trentham, Upper Hutt 5018

Parish office:  (04) 528 5588

Rev Jessica and Simon Falconer

Shaun Killerby (Vicar's Warden)
021 331 043
Judy Harrison (People's Warden)
 027 528 7923